Your Home Remodeling Project Schedule

Many discussions about home remodeling projects concern the price of the project. However, one of the biggest influences on the overall cost is the length of time required to complete the work.

According to The Spruce, renovating an entire home comes with major steps like demolition, carpentry, and HVAC installation.

“Judging by shows on DIY Network and HGTV, it takes approximately 24 minutes to renovate a house. We all know this is not true. But this style of fast-shot remodeling presided over by glib hosts takes away from the core notion that home renovation is complex and difficult and real.”

How Long Does it Take to Remodel One Room?

A whole-house remodeling project will always take much longer than remodeling a single room. There are many reasons to choose one or the other when planning an upgrade to your home.

For example, you may actually save money by combining a few remodeling plans into one single schedule because you may receive a discount from your contractor. The overall time to complete the projects may actually be less than completing those projects one-by-one. Which means you may save money overall.

Less time spent remodeling means less money spent remodeling.

According to House Beautiful, various home remodeling projects tend to take a set amount of time. Room additions clock in at anywhere from six to 16 weeks and kitchen remodeling takes anywhere from three weeks to three months. Bathrooms can also take several weeks if you decide to gut the entire room and move things around.

Some of the projects that usually take the least amount of time include decks, replacing a roof, and finishing a basement. Of course, each of these projects may require weeks of work when you make significant modifications.

House Beautiful shares further:

“No matter which room or area you’re working on, and no matter how much you’re changing, the process and timeline of events remain basically the same.”

Well Laid Plans Ensure Efficient Remodeling Project Timelines

Creating a plan for remodeling a room is something you should accomplish whether you’re changing a significant portion of the space or you’re simply updating a few features like the floors and the color of the walls.

Freshome offers some sage advice for homeowners interested in updating their homes with a remodeling project:

“If you’ve never planned a remodel before, don’t be afraid to rely on professional advice. Ask how remodels like yours have gone in the past and which order of tasks makes the most sense. For example, if you’re remodeling a bathroom, is it better to work on plumbing or lay tile first? You never know what you may learn in the process.”

You may want to work with a contractor who can act as your builder and designer, which can help you accomplish your remodeling project with some expedience.

Plan a Home Remodeling Project with Gettum Associates, Inc.

We’re a full-service home remodeling company that can help you with every facet of your project, from design and planning to execution and completion. Let us bring our expertise in design and remodeling to help you create a dramatic and beautiful exterior for your home.

Call us at 1-317-888-5681 for more information on our services, as well as to discuss your home remodeling project and how we can help.

Plus, if you’re ready to get started on a renovation project, you’ll want to download our guide: Seven Questions to Ask When Choosing a Remodeler in the Indianapolis Area.

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