Whole Home Remodeling. Is It Worth It?

Whole home remodel image

Large-scale remodeling projects like whole home remodeling can come with some drawbacks like high cost and the amount of time the project may take. However, there are also several benefits to embarking on a whole home remodeling adventure.

The Spruce explains the difference between a single project and embarking on a whole-house remodel:

“Home renovation is a huge project that can start off simple. You peel back a corner of carpeting on Saturday morning, and a light bulb goes off in your head: Why not refinish these hardwood floors?

A full-house renovation is quite a different matter. It doesn’t — or shouldn’t — begin with pulling up the carpet. It should begin with real-world realizations about the scale of this project and dedicated planning.”

Before you remove a single nail, break any glass, or toss any carpet, having a plan is the best way to begin. Then, you can enjoy all the benefits that will come with a completely remodeled home.

One Big Project Can Save Money in the Long Run

Saving money in a bank account for a major project might be the wisest way to budget the remodeling project. However, approaching home remodeling projects one-by-one can actually cost you more money since you’ll be paying for a crew’s time separately, each time they come to the house.

Houzz recommends planning ahead:

“Pondering an electric car? Install a circuit for a charging station just in case. Think you can live without air-conditioning but might want it when you can afford it? Plan for that too. You may even have a second phase planned. Make sure all the engineering and mechanical systems for that next phase are in place and ready to go.”

If you’re thinking about remodeling a substantial portion of your home, it may cause you the fewest number of headaches to have a crew work at the house for a full month to complete the work rather than to have them come several times for a week at a time throughout the year.

Not only can you choose efficient appliances and features for installation during your whole home remodeling project, but you can also choose a more efficient timeline in having the work done in one, single plan rather than several separate projects.

Budgeting is Important Even for Whole Home Remodeling

Even if you can commit to the financial cost of a whole home remodeling project, you’ll still benefit from taking some steps to rein in cost and complete the project on a budget that’s as close to your estimated cost as possible.

This Old House reveals that you don’t need to cheapen your renovation to afford a great result:

“But why scale back a project or forgo that Viking range? No, what you need to do is get your dream at a price you can afford. And not by cheaping out, either. With some strategic thinking about design, materials, and timing, you can cut costs without cutting corners.”

Renovating an entire home can take months, and the process may include any number of subcontractors, materials, and crews to complete the process.

Working with a contractor who has connections to or professionals on staff who can complete all necessary work can help reduce the unexpected costs that might come from hiring separate crews for each major facet of the renovation project.

Let Gettum Associates Help With Your Whole Home Remodeling

Gettum Associates is your trusted home remodeling partner whether you’re updating the kitchen, considering an addition, or thinking about a whole home remodeling project. Call us at 1-317-888-5681 for more information on our services, as well as to discuss your sunroom project and how we can help.

Plus, if you’re ready to get started on a renovation project, you’ll want to download our guide: Seven Questions to Ask when Choosing a Remodeler in the Indianapolis Area.

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