Tips on conserving water-Indianapolis home advice-Gettum Associates

save water

There are many ways to save water and they all start with you. Make these small changes, either regularly or at least occasionally, and you can make a big difference. Also, less water use can mean BIG savings, especially if your on a city water system!


Levels of indoor water use tend to remain relatively constant throughout the year, and by far the highest percentage of indoor water use occurs in the bathroom, due to toilet flushing and bathing.

  • Take a five-minute shower. Saves up to 1,000 gallons a month.
  • Turning off the water while brushing your teeth, saves up to 200 gallons a week for a family of 4.
  • Wash only full laundry loads and dishwasher loads. Saves up to 600 gallons a month.
  • Install a low-flow showerhead; they’re inexpensive and easy to install. You and your family could save more than 500 gallons a week.
  • Fix a leaky toilet. Find leaks by putting food coloring in the toilet tank; if the color seeps into the toilet bowl, you’ve got a leak. Saves more than 100 gallons a week.


Watering lawns and gardens accounts for a major percentage of outdoor water use.

  • When you add or replace a flower or shrub, choose a plant that requires little water. Saves up to 550 gallons a year.
  • Sweep your driveway or sidewalk, rather than hosing it down and get exercise, too. Saves up to 80 gallons each time.
  • Use a hose nozzle when washing your car, and turn off water when it’s not needed. Saves more than 100 gallons each time.

For more info on ways to save water, visit

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