New doors can update your interior | Indianapolis home renovation

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 Replacing your interior doors can add style and freshen the interior of your home.

There are many ways of giving the look of your home a makeover.  There are projects small and large and in many budget ranges.  Perhaps one of the biggest improvements, especially for those in older homes, is that of interior door replacement.  Replacing your existing interior doors is a major step towards renewing your home and giving it a fresh look.

Let’s face it, if you live in an older home, you learn to deal with a few minor imperfections.  For the most part, older homes were built well and in many cases exhibit a craftsmanship only seen today in the most custom of homes.  One of the most common problems seen in older homes are sticky doors. Sometimes older interior doors can be adjusted to function almost perfectly. Other times, it may be a good time to think about total door replacement.

Actually, replacing your interior doors can give your home a big makeover! Not only can you achieve a fresh look, but you can replace older wood doors with newer materials that will last a lifetime.  Newer materials allow interior doors to remain dimensionally stable during the changing seasons where traditional wooden doors tend to swell and warp and become hard to close. And, most come pre-primed and ready for paint which save time and money!

interior door 2New interior doors can compliment any existing home design.  If your on a budget, you can reuse your existing knobs or handles.  If you have a few extra dollars to spend, now would be a great time to think about replacing the door handles or knobs on your doors.

Interior door replacement in your home is a great first step in changing the look of your home and maintaining value by staying current with today’s trends.  After door replacement, changing up the interior trim, ie baseboards and casing would be a great “next step” in overhauling, updating and improving the design and look of your home.

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