How to solve 3 common landscaping problems|Indianapolis home advice

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As a homeowner, I’m sure you enjoy looking out over a well-manicured garden or landscape. Whether you’re updating a landscape’s design or starting a new project from scratch, the process is often a difficult experience. When undertaking a challenging garden or landscape task, completing the project successfully can be accomplished with simple solutions to three of the most common landscape issues facing homeowners. Hardworking plant breeders and growers are turning out innovative new plant genetics and an ever-growing array of plant offerings that solve these common landscape challenges.

Problem #1: Areas of the garden are overwhelmed with sun, heat and humidity.

Solution: Plants bred for heat and/or humidity. Due to varying sun exposure across a property, pockets of the landscape can become scorched by sun, heat and humidity, no matter in which region of the country or USDA Zone one lives. Address specific plant needs related to hot and humid conditions with a robust group of plants that tolerate this type of challenging environment. There are a wide variety of top-notch, heat and humidity tolerant plants and lush bright flowers that are hardy in even the hottest, brightest zones of the country.

Problem #2: What to do with unique, small-scale areas of the garden.

Solution: Plantings for small spaces and special places. Whether rooftop gardens, pathways, walkways, patios, rock gardens, water gardens, terraces, cracks, or crevices, accent plantings embellish the garden area and add life, color, texture, detail, harmony, and natural appearance to the landscape. Incorporating these kinds of plants into a creative garden design for areas that are small or unique in shape serves as garnish, the final decorative touch to the space.

Problem #3:Short-lived, feeble annuals that will not last.

Solution: Finer, genetically superior, color bedding plantings. When used in containers, garden beds and borders, annual color varieties are a bright, rich and vibrant outdoor design component. Yet, numerous annual plant selections cannot survive the first chilly night or burst of extended warmth that many regions of the country are experiencing from frequent spells of environmental instability. Try plant varieties that are cultivated to address the need for more robust plant material. They accentuate outdoor living, provide solutions for garden beds and borders, and provide superior-performing, garden-worthy, annual color plants with heat and cold tolerance.

Need lawn or landscaping advice?

Gettum Associates has been fortunate to have worked with a few great Indianapolis area landscape contractors. Give us a call and we will be happy to give you a referral. We can be reached at click here to send a message

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