How to Design a New Kitchen

A new kitchen is an exciting way to upgrade your home, but truly taking advantage of the remodeling process often means putting some thought into the design and function of the space rather than just the newness of the appliances and the cabinet faces.

How do you design a new kitchen if you’ve never done anything more complicated than painting the walls or replacing a few doorknobs?

The best option will usually involve working with a professional designer. That individual might be anyone from an architect to the contractor with whom you work to redo your kitchen. However, even if you receive professional help on the design of your kitchen that doesn’t mean you can’t come to the table with some ideas of your own.

Here are a few basic “rules” to remember when designing and thinking about your new kitchen space.

Bigger, Brighter, & More Expensive isn’t Always Best

If you win the lottery tomorrow, you might want to put that luxury commercial stove on your wish list for your new kitchen, but it’s not necessary to choose the most expensive features for every facet of your kitchen, even if you can afford them.

Freshome suggests:

“Although it’s not necessarily a mistake, the latest kitchen trends and high-end equipment may not be the best choices. Trendy colors and designs have a short half-life, and you may never see a return on your large investments in the latest kitchenware. Look for kitchen innovations and appliances that are timeless.”

Think about where you spend time in your kitchen and how you get work done each day. Do you create large meals that require a little extra space in the oven? You might consider a double wall oven.

Are you more likely to make a quick meal for yourself and no one else because you’re on a different schedule than your significant other? Something as simple as a toaster oven might be the best choice, so you might want to make sure your new kitchen design features a counter space that’s large enough for a portable toaster oven.

First Consider a New Kitchen Layout that Focuses on Function

The first ideas that might pop into your head as you design your new kitchen might be the colors of the cabinets, the material of the countertops, and the style of the fixture and lighting. However, those facets of design might not be the best place to start.

According to HGTV, the place to start is with the functionality of the kitchen rather than its surface features.

“A kitchen might have the most beautiful cabinets, technologically advanced appliances, and high-end finishes, but if the layout doesn’t meet the needs of a homeowner’s lifestyle, the rest doesn’t matter.”

The best new kitchens will offer a beautiful combination of new features and trendy designs but won’t go overboard on any particular item.

Why Choose Gettum Associates for Kitchen Remodeling Needs?

It’s simple, Gettum Associates is one of a few full-service home remodeling companies that will handle everything from start to finish. From the pre-design, initial planning stages all the way through completion of construction, Gettum Associates prides ourselves in being your “one stop shop.” Not only can we remove walls to open up space, but all other aspects of your project, such as plumbing, electrical, and flooring work is also coordinated for you as well.

Call us at 1-317-888-5681 for more information on our services, as well as to discuss your kitchen project and how we can help.

Plus, if you’re ready to get started on a renovation project, you’ll want to download our guide: Seven Questions to Ask When Choosing a Remodeler in the Indianapolis Area.

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