Help! My kids are back to school and im SO unorganized! What do I do?

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It’s Time to Head Back to School

back to schoolDon’t blink! Ah, you did….and now the kids are back to school! If you’re like most people, another school year snuck right up and bit you!  The good news is it is never too late to get caught up.  You still have some time – so start crossing a few things off the to-do list to make the preparation a little easier this year. Here are some tips to help you out:

Clear Out the Closets – Before you get the new school gear you need to get rid of the old stuff. This is the perfect step to do in advance. Not only will it give you more space for the new stuff, you’ll have a better idea of exactly what you need to get when you go shopping. Take anything that doesn’t fit anymore and donate it to the Goodwill or Salvation Army.

Look for the Sales – Now that you know what you need to get, you can start keeping an eye out for the back to school sales. They happen every year, and if you don’t wait until the last minute you can save some serious money. Bring the kids with you and let them plan out their first day outfit.

Bedtime! – If your kids have developed a more relaxed sleeping pattern over the summer, it’s best to try and slowly get them back on a “school” schedule. This doesn’t always go over well with the kids but if you make bedtime earlier in small increments, it won’t be such a huge adjustment when the first day rolls around.

First Day – To help make things go smoothly, check over everything the night before. Do they have all their supplies together and in the backpack? Have they decided on their clothes, and are they laid out and accessible? Double checking these two things will help ease the stress when morning rolls around. It will also help you get them to the school on time for their first day!

Don’t forget to stash a little note in their lunch or backpack. It will be a welcome surprise during that hectic first day.

P.S. This content was extracted from our monthly newsletter, The Gettum Associates HomeFront. Check out next month’s issue, subscribe at

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