Creating curb appeal|Top 9 tips for attracting home buyers

Tips for a successful remodel projet

What’s the first thing that buyer’s see? It’s not your flooring. It’s not your bathroom. It’s not even your kitchen or living room. No, the first thing they see is the outside of your house. If your curb appeal isn’t very appealing, then it’s time to get to work.

Put On Your Buyer’s Hat

When you walk around your home, you’re probably used to seeing things a certain way. This is only natural – it is your house after all. But, buyers like seeing things their way. This usually means that they like to see a “picture perfect” house.

No one wants to feel like they’re buying someone else’s memories, problems, or idiosyncrasies. That means that you should spend some time with a pen and a notepad walking around your home with a buyer’s hat on. Note anything that looks “off.” For example, if there are cracks in the sidewalk that have been there for 10 years, what can you do to fix them?

If the picket fence is missing a few pickets, it’s time to get on that. What about your driveway? It’s got some uneven spots that you’ve learned to drive around. Your buyers won’t be as understanding as you are. Fix that stuff.

Take A Look At The Roof

Your roof is something that buyers do look at, even if you’ve forgotten about it. Are the shingles starting to butterfly? How old is the roof? If it’s really old, you might need to replace it. If it just needs some cleaning, then clean it. If you need roofing repair or replacement in the Indianapolis area, give Gettum Home Exteriors a call!

Make Your Numbers Shine

Dirty, faced, or broken house numbers are a sort of bad omen. If your house numbers don’t look so hot, consider cleaning them, repainting them, or replacing them. You’ll be surprised at just how much of a difference this makes.

Get a Second Opinion

Hire a real estate agent from a place like Agent Harvest to help you get your house in order before you go full-bore. Real estate agents know what it takes to sell a house. Ask for their honest opinion. Often, they can pick up on things you missed.

Pressure Wash All The Things

Take a pressure-washer to that deck, and the side of your house. It’ll improve the selling price by making the place look “fresh.”

Use Plants

Bushes, plants, and even trees can make the home look more inviting. Plant trees, shrubs, or even put a few potted plants by the front door – they’re very welcoming.

Here Comes The Sun

Open up the drapes and let the sun in. Buyers are attracted to that sort of thing. It makes sense if you think about it. You don’t like walking into a dark house, do you?

Paint The Trim

Paint costs about $25/gal. Spend a few bucks and give the front door and the trim a fresh coat of paint.

Take Glamor Shots Of The House

Most buyers these days start their search online, so taking good shots of your home is one of the more important things you can do. After you’ve made the house look beautiful, capture it with an artistic photo – only, you don’t want the photo to look too staged or photoshopped. Make sure that the light outside is nice and bright, and that you’re not trying to take a photo of the home behind trees or shrubs. Pay attention to the surrounding landscape and try to incorporate anything of significant detail.

For example, if you have shrubs or trees that add to the feel of the property, but won’t get in the way of the shot, include those in the photo.

About the author:

Arthur Young has a strategic eye for real estate. He greatly enjoys helping homeowners buy and sell in today’s housing market.

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