Why a Remodeling Contract is Important for the Success of Your Project

Remodel contract essentials

Have big plans for your next project? Get it in writing!

So, you’ve decided you really need the extra “room” a new addition could add to your home. The excitement and anticipation of having a space the whole family can enjoy has you anxious at the start, and eventual completion of the project.

You did your homework and all the necessary research and planning that a major renovation would entail. You carefully selected your contractor by getting references, researching their qualifications and validating their businesses. You did that right? Oops, you might have overlooked a few steps?

No, problem. Check out this guide, “7 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Remodeler in the Indianapolis Area and you will be back on track. As soon as you get your contractor squared away, your ready to start the job, right?

Not so fast!

Did you carefully review your project specifications? Did you review the draw (payment) schedule as to when to expect payment(s) due? You do have those, don’t you? Of course you do, because you have done your homework. You know that having a written set of specifications as to the scope of the project, the materials involved, etc. is paramount in protecting you as the homeowner.

Most of all, the articles you have read have told you that the “remodeling contract” is a legally binding agreement meant to protect both the business (your remodeler) and the consumer (that’s you).

“Putting everything in writing helps clarify both parties’ expectations at the beginning,” says construction attorney Neal Moskow. “And it’s much easier to fulfill your expectations at the end if they’re clearly stated from the start.”

Unfortunately, not enough homeowners think to ask about the details. In many cases, assumptions are made by both parties. This is why it’s so important to nail down the details.

  • If you are adding an addition, is it specified that all trim is to match existing?
  • Should the texture of your new ceiling match that of the existing?

These are all important questions to ask as they will determine the final outcome of your project, and ultimately your happiness. Here’s how you can protect yourself against the incorrect assumptions that can lead to dissatisfaction and frustration about your project:

  • Insist that the project scope of your next project be clear as to what is happening.
  • Make sure expectations are set that you can live with.
  • Make sure you have a clear contract.
  • Insist that your remodeling contract spell out the price of the project, the draws (payments) to be made and when as well as any allowances.
  • Also, there should be a detailed course of action if there should be a dispute.

Most reputable contractors, especially those belonging to your local builder’s association, will provide you with these vital documents. After all, this is most likely the biggest investment you will ever make. Protect your investment and do business with a reputable contractor. Be sure they have the credentials and the reputation to complete your project successfully. Be sure they have insurance, be sure they will be around to service what they sell.

Design/Build with the Gettum Associates Team

Bringing a home remodeling plan from concept to reality takes many steps, and you’ll benefit from working with the design experts at Gettum Associates. If you’re interested in remodeling your home, but you’re not sure where to begin, our design/build services and home design expertise is the place to start. Get in touch with us today to arrange a design consultation, or give us a call at 1-317-888-5681.

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