A Lawn Time Coming: The Fundamentals of Lawnscaping


lawn care

As the gray tones of winter are replaced by the rejuvenating green of spring, your lawn will need your help resuscitating it back from its dormancy. Blades of jade green grass won’t flourish without considerable sweat from your brow, however. Slip on your gardening gloves over your green thumbs and ready your lawn for the spring season.

Soil & Seed

Growing a new grass lawn— or even barren patches— require much physical labor and time. Before sowing seeds, you’ll need to tend to the soil, now compacted from winter’s chill and rendered unsuitable for engendering new growth. Equip either a spade or rototiller to loosen the soil in preparation for planting. According to HGTV.com, experts recommend using the combo of sand, compost, loam and original topsoil for nutrient enrichment. Use a roller to press down the soil and grade the spot with a rake. Testing the pH of soil is an oft neglected step when planting new seeds. HGTV suggests testing soil with do-it-yourself kits or utilizing your state’s designated agricultural university.

If you want to save money, you may not want to roll out the green sod carpet and opt for hydroseeding instead. In comparison to seeding by hand, this process ensures even distribution of seeds. The seeds are usually combined in a slurry of mulch, fertilizer, wood fibers and other additives.


The lawn mower is instrumental to your lawn’s health. After winter inactivity, refill the gas tank, replace the oil and make any other reparations. To ensure it slices grass blades in complete uniformity, hone your mower’s blades to razor sharpness. See, mowing the lawn is analogous to shaving. A sharpened blade will slice through stubble with ease compared to a dull blade ripping or pulling hair and lacerating skin. When it comes to mowing the lawn, less is more— as far as cutting goes. Set the blades higher for taller grass. Higher, denser grass also prevents crabgrass germination by blocking it from its ultraviolet energy source. TLC suggests that warm weather grasses should consistently measure 1.5 to 2.5 inches tall. Cool weather grasses should be kept at 2.5 to 3.5 inches. One method to ensure 180 degree grass cuts is to use a manual push reel mower. These motorless mowers manicure the grass, rather than shred it. So which mower should you purchase? Mowers Direct recommends Husqvarna mowers as some of the best lawn mowers on the market.


Aeration is the practice of extricating plugs of sod to loosen soil. This process allows air, fertilizer and water to seep down directly into the grass root systems all integral to your lawn’s health, according to HomeOwnerNet.com. There are two primary ways to accomplish aeration. Depending on the size of your lawn, either use a manual core aerator for smaller lawns (or specified problem spots) or a power aerator for any expansive stretches of land. You can rent commercial coring aerators at most tool rental stores.

P.S. Your lawn is not the only thing that requires attention this spring! Routine spring maintenance for your home uncover problem areas and help maintain the value of your home.

About the author

Barry Wilkes

Barry is a writer and saxophonist who lives in Virginia.

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