A garage addition example of the importance of matching home designs

indianapolis new garage addition

Yet again, we harp on the importance of matching your next renovation and remodel project with its existing surroundings. We take it seriously. So should you.  For those who have missed the preaching, take note: Anything you add to your home should always match what you have.

When renovating or adding on or anywhere near a historic, period home it is even more important! Building with inappropriate materials or a contradicting style can kill the overall look and feel of an otherwise important home!

Here is a great example:

Below, is a picture of an existing garage on a historic period home in the Indianapolis area. Note the slate tile roofing, prominent dormer on the roof, the overhead garage door at the end, and the exterior trim detail.

Existing house and garage:

Indianapolis existing garage 1 resized 600

The objective:

The homeowner wanted a detached garage to the rear of the home.

Our challenge:

To not only replicate the look and feel of the existing home, but also the materials used originally.

We feel the completed project accomplished the objective: to create a great garage and storage space that served the purpose, yet match the original as close as possible.

The wall heights of the new garage matched the existing garage. The windows were an upgraded, yet similar replication. The brick blended seamlessly, as did the slate tiles.  The dormer styling completed the blend. And accurate trim detail set the project off!

Completed project pictures:

Indianapolis new garage addition 1 resized 600 Indianapolis new garage addition 3 resized 600

The moral is, as is always the case, it’s best to blend new with old.  For this project, the objective was to create more garage space. But for this home, it was important to maintain the character of the existing home.  However, even the newest of homes benefit from improvements matching the original styling and feel.

Additions and renovations can meet their intended goals without looking as thought they “just landed”. It’s important. Not just from a stylistic view, but from a realistic, resale point of view.  Keep this in mind when considering your next remodel, renovation or home improvement project.  Not only do you want your home to be consistent in it’s detail, but so do potential buyers, should you ever want or need to sell your home.  Curb appeal adds value.  Inaccurate room additions or other modifications to your home will detract from it’s value. Do your homework and find out what makes sense for your home!

For more on curb appeal, get the “Indianapolis Curb Appeal Guide.”

To learn more about blending in your dreams with your existing, consult with a reputable, Indianapolis-area design and remodel contractor, like Gettum Associates Inc. It is possible to make your house your dream home!

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